Was There an Increase in Divorces in 2020?

The COVID-19 pandemic turned this year on its head and it seemed as though nothing was as it once was. At the beginning of the pandemic, people started speculating that by the end of the year, there would have been an increase in divorce cases throughout the country. So, did divorces really spike this year? A recent study shows they did.
The Study
The recent study was published in Psychology Today and it shows that a website offering do-it-yourself divorce forms saw a 34 percent increase in purchases this summer when compared with the previous year. In addition to that, the study also indicates that a law firm in Washington, D.C. saw a 70 percent increase in calls about divorce.
According to the study, the pandemic also did not take long to start wreaking havoc on marriages. Within the first three months, people were starting to take action towards a divorce at higher rates than previous years. Shorter marriages have seemed to be at a higher risk during the pandemic than marriages that span a significant period of time. Not surprisingly, marriages that were already in trouble were also more likely to end during the COVID-19 crisis than marriages that were happy prior to the outbreak.
Why the Increase?
While the prediction that divorce cases would increase during the pandemic turned out to be correct, the reasons given for the prediction also turned out to be true. The pandemic has hit households all across the country very hard, and many couples simply found it too difficult to cope. The most common reasons for divorce during the pandemic have included:
- More time together: Even couples that love to spend time together need time apart. Prior to the pandemic, that alone time was naturally built into a day when one or both spouses went to work or spent time with friends. With restrictions and lockdowns being a big part of this year, couples are forced to spend all of their waking hours together and for many, that is difficult.
- Less money: Other than public health, the economy has taken by far the biggest hit as a result of the pandemic. People have lost their jobs, many businesses have had to shutter their doors, and people all around the country are finding that money is tight. Money is always one of the main stressors in any marriage, and the pandemic has only exacerbated that fact.
- Different values: Even couples that thought they shared the same values are starting to learn that is not true. Some couples have found they view the pandemic very differently with one spouse being vigilant about complying with health guidelines and the other being more relaxed. Some couples have also had to make the decision about sending children back to school, and they may find that they strongly disagree.
Sadly, these are just a few of the reasons for the increase in divorce during the pandemic. It has not been an easy year, and that includes for married couples.
Considering Divorce? Call Our Pennsylvania and New Jersey Family Lawyer
If you are considering divorce, do not go through it alone. At the Law Offices of Lauren H. Kane, our Philadelphia family lawyer can help you through the process, and give you the best chance of securing a favorable outcome. Call us today at (215) 918-9453 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and receive the legal advice you need.