Taking to Social Media is Not a Good Idea in a Pennsylvania Divorce

You may be inclined to blow up your social media feed during your divorce. This is generally not a good idea and can end up having a profound impact on the way the courts look at you. In fact, we recommend that you shut down your social media accounts while you are going through your divorce. Attorneys for your spouse can use these posts to advocate on behalf of their own clients. So it’s wise to—at the very least—mind what you say about your former partner on your social media accounts while you are going through your divorce.
In this article, a Philadelphia divorce attorney will discuss how social media can impact your divorce.
Social media can uncover assets you weren’t aware existed
One way that social media can benefit a spouse during a Philadelphia divorce is that it uncovers money and assets that you weren’t aware existed. If your former spouse is hiding bank accounts and assets, going on vacations, or making large purchases, you can use this as evidence that they have enough money to pay alimony or spousal support. This could be a sign that they have hidden money in a separate bank account. Your divorce attorney will scour social media for evidence to use against your former partner in your divorce.
Social media can reveal upsetting behavior
A fun night out with friends and drunk selfies can impact your child custody case. Social media can also reveal affairs that occurred during the marriage. Dating profiles can prove cheating. All of this is traceable. Those who use social media during their divorce need to be aware that their conduct can be used against them in their divorce case. In some cases, cheating can prevent a spouse from acquiring alimony after their divorce. So it’s best to mind your social media accounts with an eye toward caution. If this information gets into the hands of your spouse’s attorney, it will be used against you.
Social media can impact child custody agreements
Those who are going through a divorce will have to negotiate custody arrangements. Your behavior on social media can have a profound impact on what the courts decide is in the best interests of the children. If social media accounts show someone who is engaging in dangerous behavior, this can be used against them in court. This, in turn, can have an impact on parenting time and custody agreements. The courts will consider whether or not the parent is fit to raise the children based on their level of discretion. Bad mouthing the other parent is likewise not a great idea as it can be used as evidence against you in court.
Avoid social media while going through a divorce
Your best bet is to avoid social media and deactivate your social media accounts while you are going through a divorce. You should also tell your friends not to tag you in posts and avoid having pictures taken that will end up on Instagram or Facebook.
The Philadelphia divorce attorneys at The Law Offices of Lauren H. Kane have seen several instances of social media being used against our clients. We urge discretion when allowing others to take photos of you or posting on social media.